Executive Board Minutes
Executive Board Minutes
Minutes from Executive Board meetings are posted once the Board approves the minutes.
4/17/2024: Health & Welfare Trust, student discipline appeal, MTA annual delegate meeting
3/14/2024: Environmental and Social Action Movement (ESAM), bargaining updates
2/24/2024: Bargaining update, student discipline appeals, organizing
9/13/2023: Recruitment for CHERISH Hearing, Department Visits, Communications, New Member Organizing
10/19/2022: Department visits, meeting with the Provost, Fair Share
9/28/2022: Heather Sharpes-Smith and LMS at UMass, equitable workload, organizing
3/23/2022: Bargaining updates, calendar committee, masks, UMass climate change interviews
9/29/2021: Health and safety, bargaining, academic calendar change, Board and Rep responsibilities
9/15/2021: Health and safety, bargaining, department visits
4/21/2021: UMass budget, report back from Chancellor meeting, MSP listening tour
3/24/2021: Budget updates, bargaining, UMass finances
3/10/2021: Updates, response to administration's COVID failures, UMass budget and finances
9/9/2020: Chancellor meeting updates, updates on furloughs, staff union organizing, All In campiagn
3/11/2020: Bargaining updates, MSP leadership structure, continuing Mickey's work with the MSP
12/11/19: Updates, general assembly plans, brainstorming bargaining proposals on key priority issues
5/2/2018: Debrief from General Assembly, agency fee organizing, VIVO discussion
3/21/2018: Annual Meeting delegates, mobilization for mass meetings, Board of Trustees meeting
1/31/2018: Feb 26th day of action, GIC update
11/8/2017: Bargaining update (priorities and actions), bias in SRTI, practicing All In conversations
10/11/17: New bully policy, All In conversations, department visit feedback
5/1/2024: MTA Annual Meeting, grievance report, bargaining update